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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

exodus, the beginning parts :)

okay i've decided to re-read exodus from the start cos it was strange to keep starting and stopping.

one thing that really struck me while reading the beginning portions was about moses and his insecurities.

it's like what WE feel right? when God prompts us to do something, when the opportunity for witnessing arises.

3:11 "who am i? that i should go unto pharoah and that i should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?"
4:1 "they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice..."

dont we say the same things? :) but if we follow God, follow His promptings. do His work. we can be so close to Him. and bring people close to Him too. just like moses! such faith He had :) and it's the kind that i want too.



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